Nature\'s crown - 360 astro panorama (Slemenova špica, Slovenia)
H-alpha + RGB 360 panorama / tracked / blend
H-alpha modified Nikon Z6 & Tamron 15-30mm / Sigma 28mm ART
Sky Watcher Star Adventurer
Astronomik 12nm H-alpha clip in filter
FocusOnStars focusing filter
EXIF: a total of 93 images captured over the span of 3.5 hours
Landscape: Tamron 15-30mm
10 images panorama + 4 images focus stack for close foreground
settings: 3min, ISO 640, f2.8, 15mm
Sky RGB: Sigma 28mm ART
45 images panorama, 3 rows, 15 images per row
settings: 2min, ISO 640, f2, 28mm
Sky Ha: Sigma 28mm ART + 12nm H-alpha clip in filter
34 images panorama, 3 rows, 15 images for first and second row + 4 images at Zenith
settings: 2min, ISO 6400, f1.4, 28mm
This is my biggest (and my favourite) panorama I have captured so far, with a strong Zodiacal light on left, winter Milky way arch, Andromeda galaxy, regions full of red Hydrogen where Orion stands out the most, in company of red-orange and green airglow, all above the might peaks of Julian Alps.
Matej Mlakar, Slovenia, Cerkno