Breaking Dawn
This was taken at the Antelope Canyon, Arizona. What appears to be a sand dune stretching into a rising sun is actually the cliff of the canyon, formed by Navajo Sandstone. The photo was shot from the bottom of the canyon, vertically towards the top where the light comes from. However there is no sky visible, meaning no direct sunlight. The purpose of that is to lower the contrast in brightness so you can see the full detail of the cliff without dark spots yet still keep the picture bright enough. The Antelope Canyon is such a natural wonder. One has to be there to fully appreciate the uncanny workmanship of Mother Nature. I was trying to capture even if just one percent of the brilliance and I know that effort can look futile a lot of the times. So I tried to approach it with a special angle, an angle that makes viewers wonder what they are seeing and how it comes to be, just like I couldn’t help wondering how nature created the Antelope Canyon.
Shengwen Yang, USA, Rochester